One Way Vision Sticker (Perforated)

One Way Vision Sticker (Perforated)

Category: Vinyl Sticker

Print Options
No, Gloss, Matte
Cut Fit, Die Cut
No, Gloss Laminate, Matte Laminate
Cut Fit, Die Cut

One Way Vision (Perforated) Sticker
One way vision sticker enables you to see out of your store window, while people on the outside of your store can only see the advertisment on your windows. A cost effective solution for both in-store privacy and store exterior advertising.

One way vision sticker (also referred to as perforated one-way window sticker or contravision window sticker) is a water resistant vinyl material that has the added benefit of reducing heat and glare from the sun as it gives you the effect of a tinted window from the inside.
Lamination No, Gloss Laminate, Matte Laminate
Cutting Cut Fit, Die Cut

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